Damm lucky...Boran tops the "PEEL ORANGE COMPETITON" , thanks to QinYao and ME!( i so BHB). Hopefully everyone enjoys the pizzas... now i know i can peel orange!
Damm lucky...Boran tops the "PEEL ORANGE COMPETITON" , thanks to QinYao and ME!( i so BHB). Hopefully everyone enjoys the pizzas... now i know i can peel orange!
You guys better FOCing go for FOC ok? Else you will be FOCing FOCerized by FOCerism and be FOCed bad. Go for wat FOC, you say? I say FOC you FOCer... FOC off!
The pink glove of Boran, JJ Chen, has been admitted into Wood-bridge for further testing on his mental state of health. Word has that he saw too much "red" on Monday at the launch of Rag recruitment drive and adrenaline from Rag Day memories has caused him to feel "high", a level way beyond human sanity. Readers of JJ's last entry to the Boran blog have witnessed his rapidly deteriorating condition. He has since been warded in room, BIZAD LOUNGE.
And suddenly so many people are added to this blog. Can imagine Kaishi staring at the screen -_-" one by one send out all the email invites to this blog. Lol.
Its 11.49pm on 29th October, Sunday night.